IRD Waterville
Aims, objectives and activities of the organisation
Integrated Resource Development Waterville was set up in 1987 to attempt to combat the severe disadvantage which the region suffered as a result of rural decline, emigration & economic deprivation.
It was initiated by a group of concerned local people and representatives from the South West Regional Fisheries Board and The Heritage Trust of Ireland.
IRD Waterville Ltd. was established to address these imbalances and to attempt to rejuvenate the region through the development and promotion the natural resources of Waterville and its hinterland.
A company with limited liability was established and charitable status is currently being sought. In an effort to broaden the remit of I.R.D. and to ensure that the organisation accurately represents the views of all voluntary bodies in the area, a seat on the board of directors is held for nominees from each of the active organisations in the area.
These Include:
- Tidy Towns
- Angling Club.
- A.A.
- Community Care
- Community Centre
- Early Years Centre Parents Committee
The presence of all actors in the community on the board ensures a coordinated approach to the economic, social, cultural and environmental development of the community.
In 1989, I.R.D. Waterville constructed its ‘centre’ with the assistance of a FAS CYTP scheme and this building houses the following;
- Community Offices
- FAS CE Scheme Office
- Tourist Office
- Public Toilets
- Skellig Region Reflections – Photographic Exhibition Centre
Activities undertaken by the organisation.
- IRD has been actively involved in the promotion of the region
- Marketing of the region in Ireland & overseas.
- Development of local angling facilities through establishment & expansion of hatchery facilities
- Currently sponsoring our 18th FAS Community Employment Scheme.
- In recognition of the Importance of a pre-school education been available to the community, IRD Waterville founded Waterville Early Years Centre in March 1996.
This undertaking emerged as a result of the closure of the privately owned pre-school facility. The board of IRD were determined that an essential service of pre-school education should not be missing from the area. IRD were successful in their bid to become one of the 25 Pilot Projects funded In Ireland by ADM Ltd and construction of Waterville Early Years Centre was made possible with the financial contribution of £40,000 from the government. Following on from this application they secured £80,000 to employ a team of professional staff. In 2001 they secured a further £150,000 (over 3 years ) to meet staffing costs
- IRD Waterville opened an all year round permanent photographic exhibition entitled ‘Skellig Region Reflections-Images of South West Kerry’ in March 2000.
- Shoreline Development Plan
- Erection of Charlie Chaplin Statue
- Extention to Promenade at Waterville Seafront
- Inny Strand Development
- Village Improvements – consistent increase over last 7 years in Tidy Towns
- Playground development and purchase of equipment
- Secured Millennium Funding for Floodlighting of Grotto and Church of Ireland
- Revived Annual Summer Festival in 1998 and enjoyed great success in ’the years since then.
- Secured CLAR Funding under village enhancement scheme in 2002 amounting to €30,000 {€10,000 from CLAR, €10,000 from Kerry County Council, €5,000 from LEADER and €5,000 which the organisation raised through fundraising}. This funding was used to resurface the promenade and put a retaining wall outside it and also to start the major structural work on the Playground.
- In 2003, we have secured a further €30,000 under the CLAR Village enhancement and are currently undertaking a fundraising to ensure that we will have funds in place should a similar scheme come up in the future. This €30,000 will be used to complete the improvements on the promenade, develop the Mellericks Garden and improve access to the beach.
- In 2005, we secured another €30,000 under the CLAR Village Enhancement Scheme to develop a slipway at the seafront in the village
- Playground development was ongoing for a number of years. Lack of finance and difficulty with insurance were the main reasons for slow progress. However in 2005 we successfully secured allocation of €30,000 from the Dept. of the Environment towards equipment for the playground which opened in April 2006
- 2009- Secured RDP Funding 2010- Secured RDP LEADER Funding to develop Three Year Tidy Towns Plan for Waterville
- Facilitated the start up of Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival in 2011
- 2011- Secured RDP LEADER funding for Waterville Childrens Festival to purchase equipment that can be used for all future community events- Marquee, Folding Tables & Chairs, Generator etc & purchased 2 Storage Containers to house this equipment
- 2010- Secured RDP LEADER for the design, construction & erection of Mick O’Dwyer Statue
- 2013- Secured RDP LEADER funding for the provision of 4 defibrillators for the community in conjunction with local Community First Responders Group.
2013- Secured RDP LEADER funding for the production of tourism brochures for the promotion of Waterville